Tickets include admission to the Opening Night Party at the DNA Lounge – 9pm, Friday, November 9th.

At the Internet Archive – 300 Funston Ave, San Francisco, CA 94118
11:00 am -Doors Open – (Lunch served all day)
11:30 am – Internet Archive Updates:
What’s New at the Internet Archive – Tracey Jaquith (TV/News Archive) & Brewster Kahle (Founder, Internet Archive) Audience Q & A. Internet Q & A.
12:00 pm – The Decentralized Web and the Dat Project– Danielle Robinson, PhD (Co-Executive Director, Code for Science and Society) & Karissa McKelvey (Digital Democracy, Open Source Developer) Danielle and Karissa will explain exactly what the “open source decentralized web” is and how it can be implemented in the real world. (Complete with use cases!) Also, why you need to know and understand what the decentralized web is, and why it’s important. Audience Q & A. Internet Q & A.
1:00 pm How to Make Law Enforcement Accountable by Implementing A Surveillance Policy Framework – Tracy Rosenberg (Oakland Privacy), Dave Maass (Senior Investigative Researcher, EFF), Lisa Rein (Co-founder, Aaron Swartz Day). Audience Q & A. Internet Q & A
2:00 pm – Freddy Martinez (Director, Lucy Parsons Labs)
2:30 pm – Andrew McWilliams How Technologists Can Fight Climate Change (Founder,
Many people think that focusing on personal carbon footprints is the best way to fight global warming. In fact, if you work in tech, you have a lot more power at your fingertips. In his talk, Andrew will explain ideas about what tech professionals of different stripes can do to have greater impact on climate change, whether you are a seasoned pro or just starting out.
3:10 pm – Break (20 Minutes)
3:30 pm – Danny O’Brien – Article 13, Article 11: The Copyfight Strikes Back (International Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation)
4:30-6:00 pm A conversation with Barrett Brown about his new book (My Glorious Defeats: Hacktivist, Narcissist, Anonymous: A Memoir) & the Pursuance Project with Claire Peters (Director of Strategy, Pursuance Project). Hosted by Lisa Rein. Audience Q & A. Internet Q & A. Including Questions all the way from ThoughtWorks’ Melbourne and Brisbane’s “Internet Freedom Hackathons”
6:00pm – 7:30pm – Hackathon Reception – More food and spirits!
7:30 pm – 8:00pm – Start migrating upstairs
8:00 pm SHARP! Evening event Begins (Upstairs in the Great Room)
Evening Event Speakers (8:00pm-9:30pm):
Hosted by: Lisa Rein (Aaron Swartz Day, Creative Commons, The Swartz-Manning VR Destination, ASD Police Surveillance Project, ASD Solar Survival Project)
Special Guests:
A Special Appearance by Chelsea Manning, giving her yearly “Statement for Aaron Swartz Day.”
A Live Analog Mixed-Media Performance by Projekt Seahorse aka Moun10
A Conversation with Journalist Barrett Brown & Trevor Timm (Executive Director of the Freedom of the Press Foundation) (Barrett Brown won a National Magazine Award for his prison columns, & is the Author of the upcoming book: My Glorious Defeats: Hacktivist, Narcissist, Anonymous: A Memoir. He is the Co-founder of the Pursuance Project, a Journalist, and a Former Political Prisoner.)
Jen Helsby (Lead Developer, SecureDrop) (CTO and co-founder of Lucy Parsons Labs)
Cindy Cohn ( Executive Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation)
Brewster Kahle (Founder, Internet Archive)
Danny O’Brien (International Director, Electronic Frontier Foundation)
A conversation with Danielle Robinson (Dat Project, Code for Science & Society) and Karissa McElvy (Digital Democracy, Open Source Developer)
Steve Phillips (Privacy software developer; creator of CrypTag and Cypherpunks Write Code)
Note that there will be an after event gathering at The Emporium – 616 Divisadero St. To play games, drink and dance to DJs till 2am. (Sunday’s schedule doesn’t start till 11 am :)
Sunday Schedule:
11:00 – Lunch- Hackathon Information and Sync up
Speakers in order with APPROXIMATE TIMES (Lengths of presentations will vary between 10-40 minutes – and all will have at least 5 minutes of Q & A . We will “go long” if we have to, to get questions in.)
11:30 – 12:10 pm – Keynote 1: Ashley Boyd Dumpster Fire or Opportunity? It’s Up to Us. (VP Advocacy, Mozilla Foundation) Ashley will be focusing on how we can take advantage of the increasing public awareness and concern about digital safety to mobilize users to demand ethical, safe online tools. She will discuss some of the Mozilla Foundations latest accomplishments in the corporate sector, including examples like getting the easy-to-hack, privacy violating children’s “Cloudpets” toys pulled from retailers’ shelves (including Amazon).
12:10-12:50 pm – Keynote 2: Erin Gallagher – Mapping Twitter Networks – (Multimedia Artist, Writer, Translator, Human Rights & Digital Rights Activist) Erin uses open source network visualization software to see the complex webs our communications weave on Twitter. She will share some of the work she’s done in the past 2 years analyzing hashtag networks.
12:50-1:15pm – Andrew McWilliams How Artists Are Reshaping Tech Research (Founder and Director, ThoughtWorks Arts)*
Andrew will explain how art & technology collaborations are changing the way we understand the future. He will show how projects incubated in his program, ThoughtWorks Arts, open new windows on emerging tech and the impacts on society, exploring themes such as cyborgism and transhumanism, data and identity, bias in AI, biometrics in VR, and movement in robotics.
1:15 – 1:45 – Micah Blumberg – Brain Machine Interfaces 2018, 2019 & Beyond (Journalist, Researcher, Neurohacker, Founder Silicon Valley Global News)
1:45 pm-2:15 pm – Tatyana Griffin – Sound Design for XR: Best Practices & Pro Tips For Immersive Experiences (Creative Technologist, Innovative Educator, Maker/ Artist, Media Scientist, Musician, DJ, XR Developer)
2:15 pm-2:45 pm – Tracey Jaquith – Internet Archive and AR, AR for Architecture (TV/News Archive at Internet Archive, & Dev Team for the Swartz-Manning VR Destination)
2:45 pm – 3:15 pm – Ryan Sternlicht – The Future of Immersion and the Creation of the Next Layer of Reality (Educator, Researcher, Advisor & Maker – Noisebridge) If you follow technology you have probably heard many things about AR, VR, MR and XR. Many have given their opinions on the technologies and systems in those sectors, but very few have given detailed information about the whole larger picture. Ryan will share his insight, along with information he has come across while researching these fields, to help us understand the space, and what it means for the world.
3:15 pm – 3:30 pm – William Clark (Programmer, Year Up Participant) – New Options for Community-Based Education (That Is Also Good For Business) – How the “year up” program represents a positive trend of community education, which gives free education and job placement to college age youth.
3:30 pm – 3:40 – Olu Aganju (Participant, Year Up)
3:40 pm-4 pm – Bernice Chua (Game and Algorithm Developer) – Intro to ROS (Robot Operating System)
4 pm – 4:20 pm Matteo Borri (Robots Everywhere, NASA Contractor) – Re: Matteo’s latest inventions and robots and lasers and NASA Mars Rover fun.
4:20 pm – 4:50 pm – Steve Phillips – Making Humanity More Effective with (Secure) Software – (Privacy software developer; creator of CrypTag and Cypherpunks Write Code)
Break 4:50 – 5:00 pm
5:00 pm – 6:30 pm+ Lightning Talks on Hackathon Projects