Andre Vinicius Leal Sobral

See Andre’s talk “Aaron Swartz: an interrupted social theory” at 2pm on November 11, 2023. Livestream link here.

A photo of Andre Vinicius Leal Sobral
Andre Vinicius Leal Sobral

Representing Aaron Swartz Institute Brazil, the PhD André Sobral will present to the public our projects, the “Aaron Swartz: an interrupted social theory” research project, the project of our technology instructor Teo Calvo “Data trails” that teaches programming for free to the public on his streaming channel and the inauguration of our headquarters and the “Educateathon” charity project, that teaches introductory notions of robotics, computer science, web and game development to brazilian favela’s children.

Talk Description: “Aaron Swartz: an interrupted social theory”
Aaron saw himself as an “applied sociologist”, despite the overwhelming public recognition of his talent as a programming expert.  Having dedicated a significant amount of his time to reading and writing about complex societal issues on the internet, Aaron found an audience for his thoughts mostly on matters related to computer and technology impacts. His role in the fight against the Stop Online Piracy Act and the Protect Intellectual Property Act gave him a spotlight on media and recognition for some of his most relevant concerns on the open access to information.
However, his prolific theoretical production about other social issues was not given nearly as much attention. Institute Aaron Swartz Brazil aims to remedy this situation by developing a research effort on Aaron’s sociological thought. Analyzing all his textual production available online, we were able to map Aaron’s main concerns and academic influences. We will share the current developments of this research process and explain our goals to write a book to develop more recognition about Aaron’s interrupted path as an applied sociologist.”

November 11 2023 – 11 am -6:30 pm PST