See Ian’s talk “Still Standing in Defence of Students” at 5:40 pm PST on November 11, 2023. Link will be here.

This talk will provide an update on the Proctorio SLAPP, which has now gone on for over three years.
I will share why even in the midst of such a crushing ordeal, I have worked to stand up for students’ rights to an education without being subjected to warrantless surveillance.
Ian Linkletter is an Emerging Technology and Open Education Librarian at the British Columbia Institute of Technology. Prior to becoming a librarian, he was a Learning Technology Specialist, having worked for 10 years at UBC’s Faculty of Education. His professional and activist work includes areas including freedom of expression, academic surveillance, privacy rights, access to information, and the need for strong anti-SLAPP legislation.
Ian lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and grew up in Washington State. He is a graduate of The Evergreen State College (BA) and The University of Western Ontario (MLIS).
Stand Against Proctorio’s SLAPP:
Appeal Documents:
Here is the video for Ian’s Aaron Swartz Day 2002 talk: “Standing Tall Against Academic Surveillance.”
Download his slides here:
In September 2020, I was sued for criticizing Proctorio, a vendor of
discriminatory academic surveillance software.
I tweeted links to their own unlisted YouTube videos explaining how its “room scans” and “abnormal eye movement” features work and they filed a SLAPP lawsuit with meritless claims of copyright infringement.
The lawsuit continues to this day, and so does my advocacy for vulnerable students. This talk will speak to the importance of standing against harmful technology, no matter the personal cost, and provide practical advice to anyone caught in the crosshairs of a powerful company looking to punish.